Combustible Celluloid Review - Out of Darkness (2024), Ruth Greenberg, based on a story by Andrew Cumming, Oliver Kassman, Andrew Cumming, Chuku Modu, Kit Young, Safia Oakley-Green, Iola Evans, Luna Mwezi, Arno Lüning, Rosebud Melarkey, Tyrell Mhlanga
Combustible Celluloid
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With: Chuku Modu, Kit Young, Safia Oakley-Green, Iola Evans, Luna Mwezi, Arno Lüning, Rosebud Melarkey, Tyrell Mhlanga
Written by: Ruth Greenberg, based on a story by Andrew Cumming, Oliver Kassman
Directed by: Andrew Cumming
MPAA Rating: R for violence and some grisly images
Running Time: 87
Date: 02/09/2024

Out of Darkness (2024)

3 Stars (out of 4)

Stone-Age Cold

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Deeply atmospheric and thoughtful, Andrew Cumming's drama/horror movie Out of Darkness effectively evokes its 45,000-year-old world, hardscrabble and bone-chilling, and yet offers a distinctly modern life-lesson.

It's 45,000 years ago. A band six travelers — led by Adem (Chuku Modu) — venture to a new land to try to start afresh. The others are: Adem's pregnant partner Ave (Iola Evans), his child Heron (Luna Mwezi), his younger brother Geirr (Kit Young), an advisor, Odal (Arno Lüning), and a "stray," Beyah (Safia Oakley-Green). Unfortunately, they find that their new home is barren, incapable of growing crops, and seemingly free of game.

While huddling around a fire, something comes from the darkness and snatches away Heron. They conduct a search, but to no avail, and become lost in the woods. Soon more of their number begin to disappear. What is the thing that seems to be preying upon them?

Written by Ruth Greenberg in an entirely fictional language (translated with subtitles), Out of Darkness can be a harsh viewing experience. The characters are riddled with hunger, and exchanges are all tense and accusing. Due to this, we never get much depth of character from our six main figures, who, for every second of this 87 minutes, are razor-focused on survival.

And horror fans may find the "reveal" somewhat disappointing, but the entire point of this journey is to remind us that we're human, and that includes the unknown "other" that, even today, so many assume are threats, or enemies. Out of Darkness is a shocking, primal reminder of our basic connections with one another, connections that make us more similar than different.

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