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With: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean
Seberg, Daniel Boulanger, Jean-Pierre Melville, Henri-Jacques Huet, Van
Doude, Claude Mansard, Jean-Luc Godard, Richard Balducci, Roger Hanin,
Jean-Louis Richard
Written by: Jean-Luc Godard, based on a story by
Francois Truffaut
Directed by: Jean-Luc Godard
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Language: French with English subtitles
Running Time: 90
Date: 16/03/1960
A Jump Cut Above the Rest By
Jeffrey M. Anderson To truly understand Jean-Luc Godard's
Breathless (a.k.a. À bout de souffle) (1960), we
have to go back to the 1950s, when Godard and his new wave cronies wrote
movie reviews for the seminal film magazine Cahiers du Cinema.
But they did not follow the normal format of film criticism, which was
to praise anything that was based on classic literature, contained a
political message, or was more than three hours long. Godard instead
looked for patterns and signatures for certain directors like Jean
Renoir, Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hawks, and dozens of others.
When he turned filmmaker, Godard took an interesting tack to his art.
As critic David Thomson wisely points out in his Biographical
Dictionary of Film, Godard makes essays rather than films.
Breathless is a kind of essay about the low-budget B-film (it's
dedicated to Monogram Pictures, which cranked out cheap Charlie Chan and
Bela Lugosi pictures). The film begins with Jean-Paul Belmondo, a
swaggering, wiry tough guy with an angular face and full lips. Even
though he's a star in his own right, he's thinking about being Humphrey
Bogart. He mutters, "Bogie," and runs his thumb across the skin of his
lips, perhaps imitating Bogart's impulsive ear tug in The Big
Sleep (1946). Belmondo steals a car and drives through the country,
shooting and killing a motorcycle cop who pulls him over. He spends the
rest of the movie on the run. But he can't resist meeting an old
American flame (Jean Seberg) in Paris for another fling. Though
we spend the entire film waiting for Belmondo to get caught, Godard is
not interested in generating suspense. Nor is he interested in forcing
us to like his characters. Despite Belmondo's and Seberg's obvious
charms, they're both somewhat despicable. But Godard still wants to
observe their conduct and to plug his favorite movies as well as art and
literature linked to movies. The fugitives go to see Westbound (1959), a great
B-western directed by Budd Boetticher and starring Randolph Scott.
Director Jean-Pierre Melville (often called the father of the French New
Wave and the man behind 1967's
Le Samourai) appears as a writer being interviewed. Seberg
quotes from Faulkner ("between grief and nothing, I will take grief")
and hangs a poster of a Renoir painting-but we should remember that
Faulkner was a screenwriter (To Have and
Have Not and The Big Sleep) and Renoir's son was the
great Jean Renoir. Everything relates to movies.
Breathless also introduced a new style to filmmaking, a
preoccupation with the form itself. Godard shot with hand-held cameras
and edited with jump cuts, techniques that, at the time, any seasoned
filmmaker would tell you not to use. These have since become
commonplace, and Breathless has long ago received credit for
them. But as a result, Breathless became a kind of existential
hipster classic, a cool flick as well as great cinema. With
Breathless, and with every other film he's made since -- and he's
still working today -- Godard has essentially tried to please only
himself, and hang what anybody else thinks. (In a masterstroke of
self-congratulation, Godard himself plays the informer who tips Belmondo
off to the police.) And in this world of test-screenings and
demographics, that's why Breathless is still vital today.
The Criterion Collection has released an essential Blu-Ray edition,
based on the spectacular 2010 restoration. I always regarded this is a
low-budget "B" movie, worthy of a rather grungy presentation, but seeing
it this clearly is a revelation. The extras on the Blu-Ray look to be
the same as those on the DVD. |