Combustible Celluloid
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With: Brooke Sheilds, Keith Carradine, Susan Sarandon, Antonio Fargas, Barbara Steele
Written by: Polly Platt, based on a story by Polly Platt, Louis Malle
Directed by: Louis Malle
MPAA Rating: R
Running Time: 109
Date: 04/05/1978

Pretty Baby (1978)

2 1/2 Stars (out of 4)

My Brothel's Keeper

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

This film caused a great deal of controversy during its production for exposing the thentwelve year-old Brooke Shields to a movie about prostitutes and sex. Setin 1917 New Orleans, Susan Sarandon works in a brothel and lets herdaughter (Shields) do as she pleases. A good-natured photographer (KeithCarradine) becomes obsessed with Shields and whisks her away. A scene inwhich Shields is sold to the highest bidder is pretty tough to watch,but director Louis Malle handles the whole thing with taste andrestraint. Perhaps too much restraint -- the film tends to get a littlefrigid. Sven Nykvist provided the lush cinematography. Paramount's DVD looksfine, but includes no extras.

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