Combustible Celluloid

My Last Sigh, by Luis Bunuel

Review by Jeffrey M. Anderson

Buy My Last Sigh, by Luis Bunuel.

This is probably the greatest show-biz biography ever written, and not because of any kind of glamour or scandal, but because it's honest and daring, and it's about the career of one of the world's greatest movie directors. My Last Sigh was written in 1983, six years after the completion of Bunuel's final movie, That Obscure Object of Desire. So not only is it complete, Bunuel has had six years to muse over his life and he offers some wry observations that are not unlike his films. He tells great stories of the making of his films and their controversies, plus his life in Spain as a child. As a bonus, My Last Sigh was co-authored by screenwriter Jean-Claude Carriere, who co-wrote six of Bunuel's last films, and is one of the movies' greatest writers. Bunuel was a true treasure, and this book is a great reminder of just what it was we lost when he left us.

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