Combustible Celluloid
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With: Michael Moore, Marilyn Manson, Matt Stone, Dick Clark, Charlton Heston
Written by: Michael Moore
Directed by: Michael Moore
MPAA Rating: R for some violent images and language
Running Time: 119
Date: 05/15/2002

Bowling for Columbine (2002)

3 1/2 Stars (out of 4)

Big Guns

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Documentarian Michael Moore takes on America's love for guns in this scathing, hilarious, infuriating and ultimately disturbing film. Moore appears onscreen and blatantly manipulates his material for maximum emotional effect, including a carefully edited confrontation with Charlton Heston. But no matter. His point comes across loud and clear. The opening scene shows Moore opening a bank account and getting a free rifle, and it stays on track from there. Biggest surprise: humanitarian words from Marilyn Manson. Oscar winner for Best Documentary.

MGM's essential DVD comes with: an interview with Michael Moore on his Oscar win and speech, an introduction by Moore, "Return to Denver/Littleton" featurette, interview with Moore by former Press Secretary Joe Lockhart, audio commentary by receptionists and interns, a teacher's guide, a segment from "The Awful Truth II," Moore's "Action Guide," a film festival scrapbook, "The Charlie Rose Show," a Marilyn Manson music video, a photo gallery and a trailer. In 2018, the movie was given a Criterion Collection Blu-ray release.

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